Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Two different reactions to death

"If we desire to end our days in joy and comfort, let us lay the foundation of a comfortable death now betimes. To die well is not a thing of that light moment as some imagine: it is no easy matter. But to die well is a matter of every day. Let us daily do some good that may help us at the time of our death. Every day by repentance pull out the sting of some sin, that so when death comes, we may have nothing to do but to die. To die well is the action of the whole life.";
Richard Sibbes, Puritan

On his deathbed, the cattleman asks,
"What's that you always say Rafe?"
"Tis a poor thing to fear the inevitable"
"Who said it Rafe?"
"Someone who wasn't dying."
Louis L'amour - Crossfire Trail

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