Friday, July 2, 2010

George and George

 From the Deleware official website is this:

Little Known Facts about the American Revolutionary War

King George almost abdicated the throne when the British lost!
      After Yorktown, George III vowed to keep fighting. When parliament demurred, the King wrote a letter of abdication -- then withdrew it. He tried to console himself with the thought that Washington would become a dictator and make the Americans long for royal rule. When he was told that Washington planned to resign his commission, the monarch gasped: "If he does that, sir, he will be the greatest man in the world."

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Neck Xray

Everything is healing okay.  Today's ex-ray shows the plate and the three screws holding my vertebrae together(bright white pieces, like the letter m on its side) and if you look close, between the screws, you can see the the small cages with bone that has been added as a spacer for the vertebrae to keep the nerve clear.